The popularizing rate of internet connection of houses in Taiwan was 82.8%.
88.0% of houses in Taiwan had computers. As of the end of September 2010,
total number of users of cable broad band network in Taiwan was 4,995
thousands, nearing 5 million.
The percentage of population of internet surfers in five provincial cities exceeded
57%, and the percentage of internet surfers in Taipei City and Kaohsiung City
was up to seventy percent: Observing the internet surfing popularizing rates
and consuming abilities in various areas in Taiwan, the percentage of internet
connection in two central cities – Taipei City and New Taipei City was highest,
up to 72.53%, ahead of other counties and cities.
We cannot construct machine room and place server in various telecom machine rooms in each county/city
just as large portal does, but we can co-locate host in area favorable to our enterprise or most of internet
surfing population. In contrary, if your visitors are from Taiwan area, would you place your host in USA?
Therefore, the selection of co-location of host in each DANET backbone machine room in Great Taipei area
will immediately increase network quality for more than 70% for international and Taiwanese important visitors.
Furthermore, the effect of network quality better than others will bring you more return.